B. inggris Tolong Di Jawab Ya Ka​
Di Isi Kotak" nya ya ,bukan di terjemahkan,

Tolong Di Jawab Ya Ka​
Di Isi Kotak" nya ya ,bukan di terjemahkan,


1. Michael
English = Answer Questions, Speaking with other, not Making Story
Music = Play Guitar, Play Piano, not sing a song
Sports = Golf, Darts, not Football
Housework = Fry Eggs, Sweeping the floor
Others = Drawing, Riding a bike

2. Ruka
English = Public Speaking, Speaking with other, Answer Questions
Music = Play Piano, Sing a Song, not play the Drum
Sports = Golf, Volleyball, Swimming
Housework = Cooking, Make a cake, Sweeping the Floor
Others = Drawing

3. Carl Johnson
English = Public Speaking, Read a Story
Music = Play the Guitar, not play the Piano
Sports = Basketball, Swimming, not Volleyball
Housework = Fry eggs, Cooking noodles
Others = Drive a Car


Itu btw tugasnya disuru identifikasi keahlian 3 kawan anda di kelas ya
Ini saya bikin versi saya sendiri, tinggal diganti aja namanya sama keahliannya kalau gak sesuai (Klo bisa lgsg tulis aja, klo g bisa tambahan "not" di depan katanya)
